A years ago, when I started to rear a bumblebees, I found that there is very limited offer of nesting boxes. Nesting boxes had a lot of small flaws and missed some things that’s important. As result I started to develop my own nesting boxes. After some time when I was satisfied with what I develop, I started to sell them. The nesting boxes was tuned for years in cooperation with community of bumblebee enthusiasts and the results was really good. I greatly thank to my whole family for understanding and help.

About bumblebees, I am trying to specially rear rare or highly endangered bumblebee species to help them be more abundant. Since year 2021 I posses a permission for rearing a rare species in laboratory to place them into my nest boxes later, so they can spread in my vicinity.

Jakub Cerny
EU VAT ID: CZ8206250261
Address: Sosnova 216, 25162 Mukařov, Czechia

E-mail us: info@chov-cmelaku.cz

Bombus sylvarum nest